Paula Tarran


Hi, my name is Paula and I head the payroll team along with Assistant Manager Rob. The team look after all types of payrolls from single person to a few hundred and help our clients in all aspects of payroll processing the best that we can. As a team we have knowledge in all aspects of payroll as you never know what my arise.

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The nitty-gritty
Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP)

My story
I have worked within payroll for over 20 years, taking a break due to starting a family and helping my husband run his business. I started working initially within inhouse payroll and then moved into bureau work. I have worked for bureaus that focus solely on disability, hospitality and accountants such as Beever and Struthers that work on payrolls that cover all industries.

Since joining the firm as a Assistant Manager I was quickly promoted to Manager, my past experiences help me every day as I pull on the understanding of working both sides of a business on the front line and behind the scenes. This also helps me to train and develop my team in areas that they may not have been exposed. I truly believe that you need to understand what happens at all ends of a business to be able to understand where you can make the most impact.

I do this too…
As mentioned, I have children, luckily, they are grown up now and they can fend for themselves, but they have not moved out yet. I have more time to myself which is really nice, and I just chill out in front of a good box set. We do like to go out to eat and drink together which we do when we can but juggling work commitments, it isn’t as often as I like.

I try to exercise regularly and have PT sessions twice a week. I cannot say that I enjoy it, but I have it in my routine so hopefully the enjoyment will kick in soon.