Sandra Wrigley

Senior Manager

Hi, I am Sandra, a Senior Manager in the Tax Department.

I have over 30 years’ experience dealing with personal tax enquiries, and I specialise in the tax planning for high-net-worth (HNW) individuals and trusts. This includes Inheritance Tax (IHT) and estate planning, but I can turn my hand to almost anything tax-related.

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The nitty-gritty
I received my training with HMRC

My story
I joined the firm in 2003 when Beever and Struthers merged with another firm.

I enjoy the challenge and the work I do. I get great satisfaction in helping individuals plan to pass on their assets and I love the interaction with them.

I often help to train new members of the tax team and love the opportunity to share knowledge on and help to grow the service that the tax department can provide.

I do this too….
I enjoy walking and hiking and am a member of an ex-HMRC walking group that meets monthly. The exercise is certainly good for me.  I also help look after my four grandchildren weekly, including taking them swimming, acting as homework assistant, and on occasion meal provider. It certainly keeps me busy.

I have a dog and love nothing more than to take him for long peaceful walks along the local canal and to the local parks, which allows me to reflect on matters and put them into perspective when it’s needed.