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  1. HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2024: Is optimism waning?

    In a major survey, HLB assesses the mood of business leaders worldwide every year. As part of the company's fifth annual survey, HLB asked the leaders about various factors with some interesting results. So, how are these leaders navigating changes in the international business landscape? Furthermore, how quickly can they adapt to new technologies (including AI)?

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  2. HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2024: Taking on change head-on

    Over the past five years, HLB has published annual surveys of business leaders to offer a comprehensive view of the modern business landscape. Our 2024 survey features responses from nearly 1,000 leaders across 50+ countries and six in-depth expert interviews. Within this extensive dataset, 152 respondents are from the manufacturing sector, offering valuable insights into the industry's challenges and opportunities.

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  3. HLB Survey of Business Leaders 2024: Optimism and change

    First launched in 2020, the inaugural HLB Survey of Business Leaders focused on uncovering insights into the modern business landscape. Our latest survey draws responses from nearly 1,000 mid-market leaders across 50+ countries to shed light on critical challenges and opportunities for businesses today.

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